Beyond The Darkest Myth by Petja Lähde & Lassi Vierikko
When a 10- Year-old girl and her mother move in next door to professional killer Daniel, the hitman begins to have tormenting memories of his stolen childhood. When Daniel's faceless employers order yet another murder, he is faced with a choice for the first time - whether to carry out the assignment or face his painful past. The novel presupposes the existence of one or more extremely large and well-managed criminal organisations. These organisations from a very young age take control of the children of those they already control. This cradle to the grave "Handmaid's Tale" type of living, becomes more sustainable to self- and inter se analysis due to the happenstance of the mentioned living arrangement. A bleak but intriguing novel, which does not pull punches in conveying its message around the futility of resistance by the few. 4/5
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