Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
The novel explores the dark side of filmmaking and the legacy of a mysterious, lost horror film. The story follows the attempted reboot of a notorious cult classic from the 1990s, only three scenes of which were ever released. As the production gears up, strange occurrences begin to plague those involved, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Tremblay used a central character of the original film as an (almost) extra in the reboot and as such very intentionally jumps between the two time periods through first person storytelling. "Horror Movie" delves deep into the psychological impact on the remainder of the principal cast (and esp the main protagonist) where one of their ilk accidentally dies during filming leading to the canning of the film and protracted court proceedings. One might add that the plot of the original film would have made a very compelling slasher film. An excellent read. 5/5
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